Your TRU all-in-one Solution

Through our all-in-one solution, you get Access to unprecedented financial products, education and rewards enabling financial freedom.

Welcome to Tru Finance

Your journey to Financial Freedom

Tru Finance enables financial inclusivity and eliminates risks associated with credit though our one-of-a kind platform, this not only give you access to products but manages your financial wellbeing.

Premium Partners
Years of Lending Industry Experience
0 +
Why Choose Us

Providing Financial Freedom to all Salaried Earners.

Salary earners through our Reset program settling of all debt, regardless of credit score, which enables the consumer to the following:


Creating Financial Freedom

  • No more credit stress – freeing up monthly income;
  • Improved Credit Score; and
  • Access to Asset based Products (Home Loans, Vehicle finance and Home Improvement credit.


Financial Education

  • Changing the salary earners’ behaviour towards responsible credit through our Wellness program post Reset.

How we do what we do

Market Research

Evolving with market conditions with tailor made products and services

Geographic Scope

Country wide with dedicated sales teams Remove Competitive landscape

Economic Conditions

Bad economic condition = More opportunity

Competitive Landscape

No competitors

Risk Management

Credit risk mitigated through collection at source

Customer Centricity

Customer focused, treating customers with respect and dignity to ensure all needs are met


Employer Value Proposition

Simple yet effective 4 step proposition





Employer Tru Report

We analyse and generate an in-depth report on the financial status of an employer’s employees based off their credit score to give you an overview of their financial situation. There is no trail and has no impact on the individual, the report doesn’t disclose any individual information and is only a summary of the employer and the status of the type of debt.

Employer Dashboard

You have access to a personalised dashboard giving you oversight on who of your staff have active accounts with us and the outstanding amount, as well as control over the staff application on our products and services.


Utilising RTS’s ADMP (Affordability and Deduction Management Platform) which has been specifically developed over the past 13 years to facility not only employer deductions but also ensure no employees are overindebted as prescribed by the NCR.

Wellness Program

Provide training on a variety financial topics to educate customers and improve financial stability.

The Program is flexible, and the participant completes the three (3) courses at his/her own pace through our mobile app. The employee also has access to a budgeting tool to assist with month-to-month budgeting.

Employee Value Proposition

We facilitate Employee access to affordable finance and other previously excluded financial services through our industry designed systems. 

Financial Education

Step by step financial education on the following topics:

  1. Personal Budget – Also have access to a budgeting tool
  2. Debt and Emergencies
  3. Save and Invest

Access to Wellness Fund

As you go through your wellness journey you get access to your Wellness funds to cater for an emergency or any other event.

Participant Constant Communication

Communication is done through the Mobile app as well as our Call Centre to keep participants motivated and on track for the completion of the program.

Change of financial Behavior

Improved financial behaviour to make those important financial decisions 

Access to more value-added products

Throughout the program the participant will gain access to the following value-added products:

  1. Access Bank account with loyalty programs
  2. Home Loans through selected vendors
  3. Home improvement credit

Financial Wellness Journey: 6 easy steps

Employee Touchpoints

Mobile App

Employees can access their personal profile and apply for credit from any smartphone with internet.


Clients can talk directly to a call centre agent to submit loan documentation and sign the loan contract.

Financial Reset Agent

Our sales teams educate customers and assist with loan applications as well as provide ongoing customer service.

Call Centre Agent

Dedicated team available to assist with queries, applications and ongoing support.

Tru Finance The Perfect Solution For Your Business

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